Receptions against the squeeze flat-call with strong hands

Today in games at medium and high rates squeeze perform at every opportunity is considered good manners. In one of my recent session’s cache about 80% raises were squeeze. Today's online pros play simultaneously for a dozen tables, hunt for big banks and often perform raises almost machine to inflate the bank, regardless of his own cards.

Flat with a strong hand:

Flat with a strong hand can be called the best protection against squeeze and may even bring a large profit. But to perform this technique to be very careful. If something goes wrong, the results can be disastrous.
There are three main points concerning this method:
1. Your opponent must cut themselves off from the position
2. You should have a good disguise your own maps
3. You need to maximize your profit potential with good hands
The concept is simple enough. Here are some examples to understand what and when to do and not do:
You should begin with in order to examine trends in rates of your opponents on the table and the table to identify the main aggressor. Make sure he is in a position to squeeze, and that you have the right hand for a flat market. Also make sure to bet that the player has already called. This will help you determine how to play the flop, when the trap is placed.
For your image in the eyes of the opponent does not hurt if you have both called before one or two re-raise with a marginal hand. If you miss the flop, your opponent will start firing all barrels and might identify you as a weak player. When you get a good hand, all of the above factors will play for you.
Likely to become the subject squeeze depends on the position , the early call a raise preflop , the number of participants in the bank ( the more people called, the more likely it will be followed by a squeeze ) . But be aware that the more participants, the higher the risk factor.
As for your card, when I speak of strong hands, I mean mod -4 poker hands AA, KK, QQ and AK. On which of the four hands you depend your further actions in the hand.

Scenario number 1:

You play at the table NLHE 2/4, and are prerequisites for the squeeze. Two players at your table are particularly active and apply the squeeze almost every hand with his participation. This gives us an opportunity. A loose player opens with the UTG. Two players before you fold, giving you the initiative. You AK drum. You perform flutter and wait when one of the aggressors in the blind reraised.
As expected, the big blind zapalivaet 3 -bet, and the player is in position UTG folds. Now you have a choice. Flat can do again, but risky. Your hand is not considered a threat, and you can win a big pot, catching an ace against the mass of hands, including AQ, AJ and even A10. The problem is that if you miss the flop, you will find yourself in a difficult situation if the opponent starts to attack -betting. This is the worst scenario that leads to the coin flip. The best thing you can do in this situation - to answer all-in. Do you have enough fold equity, and it is likely that your opponent will fold his hand.

Scenario number 2:

You sit at a table in the blind 6 - max 5/10 maniac / skvizer sitting in the big blind. After the first raise preflop cutoff calls, you look at your cards and see a pair of aces. You take a deep breath and perform flat, waiting for the fireworks to begin. As expected, the big blind should 3 -bet. UTG player calls, and the cut-off joins in the fun. Excellent! In this situation you have and position, and a strong arm, and in front of you is a huge pile of money. You go all-in and skvizere before you are forced to fold. UTG calls and rested! Cutoff folds. UTG opens a pair of jacks, and you take a huge pot.
Best in this situation worked out what you have done double flat with aces in a situation where two players have joined the bank. Given the situation and your behavior in her rivals and think, could not that you have aces.

Scenario number 3:

You are in the small blind and the player to the left of you maniac / skiver. Do you KK. Cut-off button makes opening and flat. You also make flat with the kings and wait squeeze. It does not occur. The big blind folds. Opponent on the flop gets two small pairs and attacking your stack ... What went wrong? Even if you're 90 % sure that the opponent will make a squeeze play, there is always the possibility that you are mistaken. Even the most aggressive player will not get involved in a hand with absolutely useless hand.

The positive side of this point is that in the absence of your hand squeeze not completely but still masked. Chance to win the pot is large enough, since hardly any of the opponents decide that you have a strong hand, once you make a flat with two collies. In this situation, all-in answer to someone from a couple dozen hands to AQ. The problem is that you are left with only one player to squeeze and the probability of getting your desired result is significantly reduced. In this situation, I usually advise a re-raise from the small blind, unless you are willing to take a big risk.

Top 6 Events at the World Series of Poker 2013

Last week it became known schedule World Series of Poker in 2013, and poker fans all over the world immediately began to discuss what tournament of 62 will be the most interesting in the upcoming series.

1. Event number 6 - $ 1,500 No-Limit Hold'em Millionaire Maker:

WSOP again filled the schedule tournaments with buy- ins of $ 1000 and $ 1500 No Limit Hold'em . 14 of 62 tournaments fall into this category. Players love them, they consistently collect large fields on 3,000 participants.
But for the first time in the history of the WSOP winner of the tournament No Limit Hold'em with buy -in of $ 1,500 will receive a guaranteed prize of $ 1 million. The tournament will begin on Saturday, June 1, and will be in the starting day two starts at 11:00 and at 17:00. If the player will fly on the first day until 17:00, that he can manage to register again in the second stream.

2. Event number 33 - $ 2,500 Razz:

This tournament is an enchanting just because the majority of players and spectators do not like him. In addition, we will see guaranteed show performed WSOP Media Director Nolan Della, who always participates in Razz tournaments. When it myself Nollan in 2010 said that playing Razz as exciting as watching porn blindfolded.

3. Nebrasletnoe event - $ 5000 Open Faced Chinese Poker:

Chinese poker in the open - is the last word in fashion poker. Chief Editor of Casino City VIN Narayanyan and knowingly predicted that in the near future, this discipline will appear on the WSOP.
In this poker game rarely played in a tournament format, so that the spectacle should get curious. WSOP guide wisely reinsured by declaring Chinese poker tournament with a buy -in of $ 5000 exhibition event, which will not be replayed bracelet. If all goes well, next gotu tournament can be folding.

4. Event number 38 - $ 2,500 10 -Game Mix:

Abound at the WSOP tournament poker mixed disciplines, including the famous $ 50,000 Poker Players' Championship, but the format of 10 games, including exotic variations and lowball Badugi - a special article.

5. Event number 34 - $ 1000 Turbo No-Limit Hold'em:

In this tournament chips change hands with exorbitant rate and grabs two half days to determine the 
champion. The first four levels suggest levels of 30 minutes, and the levels of 5 to 17 will be the 40th minute. The remainder of the tournament levels will increase every hour. By the time the tournament reached level 18 (blinds 3000/6000), in monetary terms, the big blind would be even more original buy-in of $ 1,000. Well, is not that curious?

6. Event number 43 - $ 10,000 2-7 No-Limit Single Draw:

Tournament only madmen who agree to spend money on something to compete with the best players in the world in the discipline. Last year the tournament Nick Schulman won, becoming richer by $ 294,321, and the year before the tournament finalists were John Juanda. Phil Ivey and David Bakes Baker. The field was the smallest in the entire series

Strategy for Early Stage of a Poker Tournament

In the early stages of a poker tournament you need to play as tight. “This statement was actually an axiom for a typical MTT player. This phrase, you are bound to find 99% of texts on tournament strategy. Few doubt that this strategy works. This is the easiest way to accumulate more chips and hold out until a later stage of the tournament, but can you call this an optimal strategy?
In this article we analyze a tight strategy for the early stages of a poker tournament with positions “for / against ", and let you decide which approach you like.
In the early stages of the tournament players transplanted from table to table often enough, and it means that you are unlikely to get one of the main advantages of a loose style image of a loose player at the table. If opponents predict label you lose player, which means that they will pay more generously your strong hands. But the creation of a loose image requires additional costs that have to beat in the future, and if your opponents go from the table before you return their investment, it would be an unforgivable waste of chips.

Insufficient information about the opposition

Play loose - means to participate in a large number of hands, and in the early stages, when the stacks are still great, you have to spend a few hands, being out of position. In the early stages of the tournament, you will be more difficult to identify the preferred style of play opponent. First, because the stacks leave room for maneuver. Second, in the early stages of the tournament you just enough information about the opponent , and you no longer have to wonder , focusing on a range of hands they played out . Play loose at a table where everyone is ready to give you a fight, and not have enough information at this about the opposition - is to throw chips into the wind.

At an early stage risk is often more profit potential

Math tournament poker relentlessly confirms that the chips that you have lost more valuable than chips that you have earned. Of course, a loose game does not guarantee that you will have to bet all the chips in the dispute, but playing tight, you do eliminate this risk.
You often do not build that stack by calling all-ins in the middle stages
One of the safest and most reliable way to build a stack in tournament poker, activated in the middle stages, when due to the increased levels of play, many participants stay with a short stack and will be forced to go all-in. In such a situation the player can drive yourself, if overly cautious in the early stages. If in the early stages play looser, you can ensure an adequate safety cushion for the next stage, when the blinds will apply pressure to the stack. If you stock up in advance a fair amount of chips, you can avoid the pressure on his stack in the middle stages and will not be in a marginal situation.

You lose the ability to compete with weak players

Based on the banal logic at an early stage of the tournament percentage of weak players at the table is greatest. By the same logic, these players are much easier to part with chips than strong players. Therefore, if you are at an early stage will play as shaped filaments, and wait for premium hands, the stacks of all your bad players pocketed stronger rivals. This means that you will miss one of the best opportunities to collect a big stack early on that steadily turn against you in the next step .

Force the opponent to guess - the optimal strategy in poker

In poker, your primary goal, to understand what progress you expect from a rival - and do exactly the opposite. For all who believe that in the early stages of MTT need to play tight, the above truth may be another argument to reconsider their views. Loose game in the early stages of the tournament, no doubt, will be a surprise for the opponent, and at least in theory, will give you some advantage. Of course, breaking the pattern is not enough to improve their chances of success, you should still be a strong player. But the ability to play on the opposite - it is just one of the qualities that characterize a strong player.

On the Playing Cards and their Creators

There are several individuals who are associated with the development of playing cards. Mostly it - Thomas De La Rue and Samuel Hart. Playing cards were not always glossy and colored. Although the first cards originated in Persia in the 8th century, and then appeared in China in the 12th century, the modern form they purchased in Europe. By the 15th century to the deck was added to a primitive set of royal cards: King, Knight and Jack. At that time, the deck could be from 48 to 56 cards. Later became the standard 52-card deck. Prior to Thomas De La Rue cards were made of wood planks, which were painted by hand.
Thomas De La Rue - the father of the color pattern on playing cards.
In 1831 Thomas De La Rue has received a patent for the production of colored playing cards that was the first step on the way to his celebrity for mechanization color printing. Improvement of the printing press allowed De La Rue perfectly print four colors simultaneously. It could also establish of low-cost mass production of playing cards for casinos. New printing press covered the cracks in the cards. This was a new approach, because while cracks and tag were commonplace. De La Rue has hired only the best artists to work on the reverse side of his cards.
He asked for help from Owen Jones, whose completion card design was mostly career. For 20 years he painted 173 version back of the card. De La Rue was able to see the future and by the 1870s he produced about 100,000 packs per year. He could sell them in large quantities at prices that people can afford. Maps have become rounded edges and glossy finish. De La Rue is referred to as "the father of English playing cards." The famous writer Charles Dickens wrote an article advertising the company De La Rue, which was called the “deck of cards ". She talked about the history of playing cards, and De La Rue’s contribution to their development. Over time, De La Rue’s career expanded to the production of tickets on trains, stamps, banknotes and other items.
Samuel Hart - creator of card indexes:
Across the ocean advances in printing belonged to Samuel Hart. Its growth in trade has occurred in paper printing and paper making. In his family were craftsmen who produced pencils and stationery products, as well as selling books. Therefore, Hart was absolutely natural to choose a similar occupation. He mastered the profession and in 1844 opened a store. Vsore he called his case Samuel Hart & Co. He was the only person who started being printed and the local production of playing cards.
Five years later, fully immersed in the production of playing cards. Decks have covers, which gave its name to Hart Hart's Linen Eagle, Club House, London Club Cards and others. Everywhere was printed trademark Hart - eagle. The cards were very popular and have left their mark in history. Origin Hart and ongoing training led to his own card technology. During his studies, he worked under the guidance of the master card Lewis I. Cohen. He also met with John Levy, John Lawrence and other card masters.
They all wanted to produce popular brands, demonstrating their skills and craftsmanship. Hart also had a flair, and already by the 1990s he earned acclaim for many first-class products such as two-sided card with rounded corners and a glossy coating that facilitates their shuffle. He was not always the inventor of any innovations, but it is always the first entered them into mass production, and made them part of the American tradition. He belongs to the introduction of the wild card, which appeared in the 60s of the 19th century.
Card game Euchre, needed a trump card, which became a joker. Another interesting feature of the time - bilateral image figures. Prior to this, the figure depicted on maps on one side only. Hart teamed up with the masters of their school: Cohen, Lawrence and Levi, as well as masters of the New York Consolidated Card Company and founded Hart & Co. All of them are united by the desire to improve the industry for the production of playing cards, and they are constantly improving its products. Hart suggested «Squeezers». They were playing cards with a miniature figure denomination and suit in the corner, allowing the player to reveal a hand fan and see all the cards.

Another master of playing cards:

Known personalities in the world of mapping were also Russell, Morgan & Co . . . . , Andrew Doherty, L. Hewson and Pierre Marechal. In 1889, Russell, Morgan & Co. . . . Texas printed deck. Drawing on maps proportionally spaced, and they looked very attractive and elegant. Maps have mirror image and angular indices. They were excluded from printing more than 80 years, but recently re-emerged with the base view of the finish of paper under the fabric with a slight staining. Texas map was easy to keep in bunches, distribute and shuffle. They were used by both professionals and amateurs. Russell, Morgan & Co. . . . Were also the creators of Marlboro Texan, who came to be considered the standard playing cards? Maps have a modern look, which over the years has been improved.

Andrew Doherty began his career in 1842. He created the "American card." The cases of all decks depicted eagle. He also created the army and allied card card during the American Civil War. Dougherty played an important role in the development of card indexes. Maps L. Hewson did not stand the test of time because they were of poor quality. Little is known about Hewson and his English followers. His method was underdeveloped and disappeared from the history of playing cards. Nevertheless, it is considered an early manufacturer having success in the 1680s.


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